"A Women is a full circle in itself, with power to create, nurture and transform".
Women…. A beautiful creature of the Almighty.
Women, a being in making….in a process, a struggle which begins from its coming into the universe before it emerges out of its mother's womb. A process in making to convince the world to let it live, to see the world.
In its making, the moment it sees the light of the world, the face of the universe. A woman is in making when it suffers the neglected eyes of the other sex, eyes that wished she had died.
It's the making of her self-esteem, and her courage when she fights with the world to get a chance to breathe, a chance to live the way she wants, and a chance to get as much respect and love; the men of the house gets.
A woman is in a making when she dodges the prying eyes of strangers while she wishes to live the life to the fullest when a kid in her comes out to dance in the rain and walk with the wind.
It's the making of her limits and realm. A realm of her restricted area of dominance, an area of her sky beyond which her wings can’t fly.
A woman is in making when she is showered with, or rather imposed with thousands of rules and instructions when she needs to step out.
A woman is in making, a making of her conscience and understanding of herself, her body and the troubles it gives; when she transforms into a different being for some time of the age, its of every month precursor of her evolution.
It's her making stage, when she cannot act herself, cannot wear herself and cannot live herself, lest those four people of the society would make storieIts the making of her cocoon in which she hides herself.
The cocoon which breaks when her savior becomes her devourer and it's her making when she realizes every breath of her life is a struggle, a fight to live to defeat the demons of the world.
It's her making, when she has to step down from the ladder of her dream, cause he has forgotten the identity of herself, the identity of her being her a woman. To banish the coming success, and recognition, and worth, when she is prepared to kill herself to become someone's else.
It's a making of women when she dares to hand over her life to someone else, in a new environment and between new people. A making of her confidence, courage and self-respect. A making of her, looking at the world with a different perspective.
It's her making, making of her mortal body and spiritual soul, when she surrenders herself to steer ahead the evolution of the world and endures the agony and pain which gives her the sweet happiness, to bring a life into the world.
A woman is a being in making, a making of balance, a making of life, a making of existence and making of survival on this earth.
A woman, unimaginable force of strength, courage, and patience, a light of knowledge and hope and an inspiration to live
a woman is God’s being, sent upon the earth to conquer the unimaginable world..
Author: Divyanka Agarwal