Return before it is too late

return home before it is too late

The shadows lurking in the dark
As night unfolds, an untold past
A stranger silent,
This time,
He will not let it go waste
Return before it is too late!

He walks over the pebbles
Silent, behind you…
Over this unfamiliar path
He shall follow every cue,
Your eyes hover in the dark
As you restlessly wait..
Return before it is too late!

Your eyes lit up, arms entwined
With your ‘love’ secret, in, pair sneaking,
His eyes flinch…
He has agonized over your every part
A tempest rising in the stranger’s heart
His passion spurs, a blazing fire
Obsessed, creeps a dark desire
The coin flips.
Love turns to hate,
Return before it is too late!

Fear inking pairs of eyes
Clouds engulfing your startled cries
The stranger silent…
Clutching the dagger,
Cold, unblinking.
As the lover's stagger
Disgust deriding over your fate
Return, before it is too late!

Wiping the stains of ‘the sordid tale.'
He retreats in the dark entrails
The night formidable,
Hair still blowing over the face,
Reaching till the curving waist,
The bridges shake
With an unbearable weight,
Lest you heard them say,
Return before it is too late!

Author: Tripti Sharan Best Online Earning Methods
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