Depression Says Goodbye

Depression Says Goodbye

Depression Says Goodbye
The night vanished
long time ago.
The hurts healed
long time ago
What happened
I know
what may happen
who knows ?
For in time
is now alive a hope
of time in place
to get what I seek in before end.
In such times
there shall be no
pain of saying goodbye
as there on starts a new journey of life.
Here is my journey
few words on a road
to recovery to show what
thought to be bad is indeed good.
A Bond said to me once
in annals of time
even the dark
acquires the light.
So here is the story of mine
spent with two beautiful maidens
called pain and depression
of time spent in an orgy called life.
Two maidens in my life
when happiness
sayonara ciao
goodbye for now.
Then two maidens depression and pain
knocking on doors
shredding my fragile soul
with poisonous fangs of theirs.
In silence you fight and fight
just for a ray of hope
for a better chance at life
when no hope comes, a wilting flower dies.
Then comes a day
when hope comes giving life to wilting flower that died.
Making thousand suns burn at one
is when you know time has come to come alive and strike.
The depression and pain in fright
leaves on stead
leaving a message behind
thanks for the prolonged stay in abode of mine.
Then comes the time
when you see yourself
in new light
having seen the worst of life.
Slowly you move keeping
first in front of another
knowing all well
come what may I would survive.
In end I say it once again
For in time
is now alive a hope
of time in place
to get what I seek before my end.
In such times
there shall be no
pain of saying goodbye
as there on starts a new journey of life called 'After-Life'.

Author: Ishu Parashar Best Online Earning Methods
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