Stop fearing, start living

Stop fearing, start living

Stop fearing losing someone,
as you never owned them.
Stop craving for that possession,
you cannot take it home.
Break free from chains of rituals,
as you were born free.
Never wait for the perfect moment,
as there never was one.
Cease believing the tales,
that you were never good enough,
They fabricated the stories,
only to convince you otherwise.
Do not stand still waiting,
for someone else, to show the way,
you always knew your path,
just got lost somewhere one day.
There was never the need
to chase the illusions you saw,
it was a mirage, to keep you running
far, from yourself.
So never give up dreaming,
wandering aimlessly like a gypsy,
there is no happiness in
planning and thinking every move.
Just plunge down the next cliff
that tempts you to take the risk,
the thrill of gravity defying
free fall into the unknown abyss,
is how you live.

Author: Ankita Siddiqui Best Online Earning Methods
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